Senatry Wiki

Crusader1265 Crusader1265 3 June 2012


i'm scipii and just got the herp marius, i was always told that the weapon on the hero didn't matter, except for what typr of damage it, like rings were tac only and bows and swords were interchangeable. Someone came along and said that Marius needs a bow and i've never heard that before, he said that it hinted towards it in the summary. I already have a level 49 ripper for him and if what he said was true that'd mean i'd need to upgrade to the barrage, but i was also always told that you should never upgrade to the same color, and i've told many the same and the reasons for it, since silver lost doesn't make up for stat gained. Would anyone know a bow would work better on Marius?

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Crusader1265 Crusader1265 27 April 2012


This is a lot easier than creating pages from scratch using HTML code and CSS. Hoping I can clear Italy and Thrace soon so that I can insert anything missing on those pages.

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